View from MY space-time continuum

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

Albert Einstein

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Universe is laughing at me....

OK. It was bad enough to be searching for a job. Hundreds of resumes and cover letters later and what happens? I am offered a temporary position with 2006 Census as an enumerator. A position I did not even apply for as I was not sure me knee was up to the walking. I had applied for a position without the walking. There was a test involved and I knew I should blow it but.... it just was to much against the grain to not do my best on any test. Apparently it was not as easy I thought, since my name ended up near or at the top of the list of people to hire. And I need the money, which is decent. Better, the hours are flexible enough that I can continue to invest a few hours a day in searching for a full time permanent job. Sighhhhhhh. Hundreds of hours of work and effort to find employment and what happens? I get a job I do not really want and did not apply for. The Universe is demonstrating a very perverse sense of humour vis-a-vis towards my future employment.

Cognito, ergo doleo