View from MY space-time continuum

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

Albert Einstein

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit

Thursday, August 25, 2005


While working on these pages I felt I needed a better handle on HTML, since that is what the templates are build of. So I ordered several books on the subject from my local library branch. The "Dummies complete guide to web page building" arrived last evening. While checking it out of the library I saw it was very thick. In fact it contains nearly 800 pages. The thought that came to mind is: "Is a book that is 800 pages in length really for dummies?? And if it is not a book that any dummie could or would use, is it not false and misleading to tittle it as being for dummies". This last thought arose from the fact that when I was selecting books from the library catelogue I had choosen this title as I thought it would give me a nice fast and easy overview of the subject matter. Then I would have a context in which to read and understand the other reference texts I had coming in. As this was my personal point of view I sought counsel from a group of people from diverse backgrounds (to ensure that the sample would not be skewed by said backgrounds). The general opinion was that I was correct. A Dummie would be unlikely to use or read an 800 page book. The lone discenting voice felt that they may try to read it, but they would not be able to understand and/or remember the material. So I plan to drop a line to the publishers protesting this blatent misuse of the term "dummies" and I urge all who read this to also send in a protest. After all, it is the only way to behave, that we protect the the rights of those who wish to be dumb to be as dumb as they want - as long as their idiocy does not cause anyone else any harm.